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How do you measure the roi of content marketing?

Calculate the ROI of content marketing Calculate the cost of producing your content, add up the cost of distribution and...

How do you use interactive elements in your content to engage readers and viewers?

If you're trying to differentiate your brand and get readers to retain information and act easily, one of the best things ...

How do influencers shape marketing strategy development?

Brands positively influence customers' buying decisions by partnering with influencers and their specific audiences....

How do you create engaging content for content marketing?

SummaryMake sure that the content is relevant to your audience and helps them solve a problem they have right now, offer...

How do marketers use influencer marketing?

Influence marketing is a way in which brands can promote their products through the endorsement or recommendations of...

How do you use data to improve marketing campaigns?

Data-based marketing campaigns use customer data to optimize performance, by allowing for more accurate predictions about ...

What are the best ways to repurpose content for content marketing?

The 9 best ways to reuse content Reuse a white paper or research report in a blog post. Turn a blog post into a Twitter...

What are the key elements of a successful content marketing campaign?

A strong distribution and promotion strategy. A good content strategy will help you set your goals, determine priorities...

Editors Picks

What are the 5 marketing tools?

What are the 5 marketing tools?

A vital part of any salesperson's job is planning. If you want to be where your audience is, it's absolutely essential to ...

What are the most important metrics to track in content marketing?

What are the most important metrics to track in content marketing?

Your brand's website is the key to your inbound marketing efforts. When it comes to content marketing, you might be...

What is the difference between content marketing and traditional advertising?

What is the difference between content marketing and traditional advertising?

In conclusion, content marketing and traditional marketing are two very different beasts. Content marketing is about...

What are the 4 steps of content strategy?

What are the 4 steps of content strategy?

A crucial part of any successful content marketing strategy is diving into the waters of customer research. Just as you...

How do you optimize content for search engine optimization (seo) purposes?

How do you optimize content for search engine optimization (seo) purposes?

SEO Content Optimization Checklist Research the optimal keywords. Include relevant keywords in the URL.

What are the content marketing channels?

What are the content marketing channels?

Learn how to use these and 10 other channels in 58 social media tips for content marketing. Once you have the strategy,...